Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We're leaving tomorrow!

We are finally leaving and starting our four week adventure in Europe! We hope to keep you posted on what is going on. We are excited to share the trip with all of you. tentatively, here's our planned itinerary:

July 3-6 England: London and Oxford
July 6-9 France: Paris
July 9-12 Spain: Barcelona
July 12-? Switzerland: L'Abri
(we might end up staying longer here, or if we don't, here's our next steps)
July 14-15 Austria: Salzburg?
July 16 (and some of the 15th and 17th) travel through Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia to get to Greece!
July 17-18 Greece
then back on schedule! for the last 9 days of the trip, we'll be in Italy for sure!
July 19: ferry and train to Italy
July 20-24: Florence, Italy
July 25-26: Cinque Terre, Italy
July 27-29: Rome, Italy, and then fly home! we arrive on the 30th at LAX at 9:10 pm (who wants to pick us up??? ;)

first stop London - Cheerio!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a fun and exiting trip you guys I hope you have lots of fun, Hey who knows you might even run into Amy Winehouse in London and you can pray for her!!!!!God Bless.


travelblogue said...

Hey Partner... Jamie and I laughed really hard about the Amy Winehouse thing! We looked for her but didn't see her anywhere. She is probably in rehab or something! How are the first few days of the new job going? ( send this via email too just in case you don't check this)