Thursday, July 10, 2008

eating in paris

We woke up our first morning in paris (with the bonus of a few bedbug bites) with plans to either walk or bike around the city and see the major sights… but we walked out of our hotel room and it was POURING rain outside!!! we went back to our (cute!) room and got our raincoats and went to a café for breakfast before taking the Metro to Notre Dame cathedral. Jason described it as “breathtaking”! Then we headed off, walking in the rain, to The Louvre (stopping for a nutella and banana crepe on the way J). We spent a few hours there, and needed a break (I could’ve gone back later – there was SO much, but we had more of paris to see!), so we walked down to Champ-Elysees to mix with the crowds and have a little progressive dinner – first we had this hot-dog-in-a-toasted-bread thing (Jason still says that was the best thing we ate the whole time we were there – lol), then some wine, and some French Onion Soup! On our way back to our hotel, we stopped at a super-fancy bakery and got a couple little finger-sized pastries/tarts for a fortune! We ate them while we watched an old Meg Ryan movie: “French Kiss”! around midnight, we went back out to have some Crème Brulee (tried three open restaurants before we found one that the kitchen was still cooking) and coffee – mmmmm…..

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