Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Rick Steves is like a father to me"

our second (and unexpectedly last) day in Barcelona, we got to see and do everything else we wanted to! First we went to this market off of Las Ramblas called “La Boqueria” - so great! Fresh fruits and vegetables (we got there so early that everyone was still setting up their stands!) and we had breakfast there at a place called “Pinotxo” (Pinocchio in Catalan, we think?) and it was hilarious! the owner (Pinotxo) was very gregarious and interacted with us a ton, and even wanted his picture taken with us! such personality in this city! after checking out of our hostel (remember, we have to leave after 1 day here!), we “rambled” down Las Ramblas to the beach for a while, then headed over to the Picasso Museum, which was really cool! then, we had lunch at Picasso's favorite hangout spot, Els Quatre Gats, where he first showed off his paintings (at least, per Rick Steves’ guidebook: ”Rick Steves is like a father to me!” – Jason). That was one of the best meals we’ve had for the best price, and with such a fun atmosphere!
To all of our faithful Travelblogue readers: we will be leaving Barcelona in a few hours, and the place we’re going in Switzerland (L'Abri) doesn’t allow laptops (to be confiscated at the door when we get there!), so we won’t be updating again until at least the 14th probably! Have a great weekend!! Pray that our time at L'Abri would be meaningful - thanks!


miller said...

So many countries, so little time! Good thing you're blogging about it all. It will help you with your scrapbook when you get home. :)

jenna rae said...

i'm pretty sure 'miller' is kristi. that silly girl! looks like you guys are having fun though. how come jason never writes on the blogue?