Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Greece trip redeemed!

So, it was all worth it in the end… We got to Athens at 4am, after maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep in 5-10 minute segments here and there. A very nice taxi driver (who charged us 10 Euro = ~$15 to take us like 6 blocks) picked us up and took us to a hotel of his recommendation (we were sure he was getting kickbacks, but at that point, we really didn’t care – we just needed SOMEWHERE to sleep and shower!), which was very nice and fairly reasonable. We slept in till 8:30ish, took much-needed showers, and took a taxi over to Jason’s uncle Alex’s sister’s house in another part of Athens. We hung out with Alex and Didi the rest of the day, and they took us to the Acropolis, the Parliament building with funny soldiers, to get yummy gyros and baklava, hung out with Alex’s family back at the house for a while, and had dinner down by the sea! it was such a good day, and so fun to be with people we knew and spoke the same language! Alex and Didi were great tour guides, and it was crazy ‘cause they were just there for a few days after an Israel trip, and our planned trip to Athens perfectly coincided date-wise with theirs! Alex’s mom made us a bunch of sandwiches and stuff to take on our journey to Italy the next day, and sent lots of hugs and kisses back to the States (mainly to Jason’s parents)! we were so glad we ended up going to Athens, even just for that day; instead of finding a quicker way to the coast and Italy, like we had considered!

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