Wednesday, July 9, 2008

on to Paris!!!!

We made it to our 5:10am bus on time and thought we were en route to the ferry across the English Channel… when suddenly, our bus drove straight into this tunnel-looking thing that ended up being a train car… and Jason got his wish of crossing via Chunnel! we were a little surprised (and disappointed)… it was an 8-hour bus trip with no boat ride in the middle, no bathrooms (except one we had to walk 20 train cars to get to during the half-hour chunnel ride), and no food!! bummer! but we made it safe and sound to Paris and our ADORABLE little hotel “Hotel du Champ de Mars”, perfectly decorated in matchy colors and fabrics and perfectly located in the “Rue Cler” area of Paris. we are in this little outdoor market and café area that is super-cute and drawable – you could sit for hours just watching people (and we did!). That night we went on a boat cruise along the Seine, which helped us get our bearings (a little), and we got to watch the sun set and see the Eiffel Tower light up and sparkle! Then we had “french” fries and a burger at a café and went to bed.

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