Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Our third day in England, we said “goodbye” to Tony’s House, and took off on the Oxford Tube (actually the name of a bus this time) up to Oxford, England, 60 miles away from London. We were met there by a couple that we knew from Talbot, but who have lived in Oxford for the past 3 years, Greg & Tori Finley! it was so fun to see familiar faces, although Tori actually sounds like a Brit these days (Greg’s kept his same accent from before they moved ;)… They showed us ALL around Oxford and it was amazing! we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! we thought oxford was a university campus and there wouldn’t necessarily be much to see… it was CRAZY, though! Oxford’s 39 colleges (we learned a lot walking around the city with our own personal tour guides) are spread throughout the city with homes and businesses all sprinkled around in between. we walked so much I though my legs were going to fall off (I don’t know how Tori did it 9 months pregnant – we were there Saturday and she is due Tuesday!)!
We had lunch at The Eagle and Child, where C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkein used to hang out together, and Jason had a “pint of ale”… Then we walked for hours, seeing all the colleges – they are AMAZING! Oxford has so much HISTORY! old buildings in america are like 200-300 years old – that’s NOTHIN’ compared to the weathered structures of Oxford! we got to spend all day with Tori and Greg (+the almost-born little finley), and they made us dinner at their flat and we had long talks together. tried to go to bed early, knowing that we had to get up at 3:30 the next morning to make our bus on time, but we talked until late…


miller said...

Sounds like you're having fun! Nice picture!

travelblogue said...

which miller is "miller"?

jenna rae said...

i was wondering that myself! it's not me! lol

jenna rae said...

ok that was kimmy posting as jenna...i guess she used my computer, and i'm not so sure i know how to sign myself back in hah