Sunday, July 6, 2008

What? it's the Fourth of July???

Independence Day in the States is one of my absolute favourite holidays – I love the fireworks and family and bar-b-ques! this year, it just seemed like any other day… well, any other day that you spend walking and taking the tube around in LONDON! it was kind of strange to even think about – that the US is celebrating our independence from England! I threatened to bring sparklers, but didn’t want to get into trouble with the law ;) so instead, most of the day I completely forgot it even was the fourth of July! We did see one girl wearing just an American flag as a dress – that was the only hint of anything American all day… we went to the (second half of) the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, then went to Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery – saw paintings by DaVinci, Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, etc… then we went downstairs and had “afternoon tea” in their café. this included cream tea, and a tower with sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jelly (much better than the ones I made for the baby shower – sorry Lynn!), and some pies and bread… delicious! jason says it’s a “girl thing” to do, but he went with me anyways, and even held his cup with the pinky extended! lol! then we went to find the London Bridge and the Tower of London & Tower Bridge (Jason is still convinced that the Tower Bridge IS London Bridge – it’s not). then we tubed up to the British Museum, where they have tons of crazy-old artifacts from Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc, including the Rosetta Stone!! We got filmed while we were there, so we’ll probably be on their informational video now, looking at the Rosetta Stone for a LONG time… went back and took a nap at Tony’s House… went to draw the Abbey again (it is a CRAZY building! the picture is only like 20% finished, but I had to give up ‘cause we spent so much time there already!)… then to Piccadilly Circus for dinner… Happy Fourth of July, everybody - Cheers!


Kelsey said...

Your tea picture makes me laugh. You look like the queen. :)

travelblogue said...

Let them eat cake!!!