Friday, July 25, 2008

“Mamma mia! Che musculo!!!”

We picked Italy as our place in Europe to stay for longer in order to relax and take it all in more, with Florence as “home base” – and i’m SO glad! it has been perfect! relaxing, beautiful, great food, just lots of time to hang out and wander (and eat gelatto ;)… We went to both of the major Galleries in Florence today: the Ufizzi (where the largest collection of Italian Renaissance art in the world is housed) and the Accademia (where Michelangelo’s David is!). The quote in the title of this blog was what one of the guards at the museum said when he grabbed Jason’s arm to “wand” him after he set off the metal detector – lol! Mike and Lynn recommended a couple of places to eat while we were in Florence, so first we stopped at Acqua al 2, where there were only two seats left in the whole place when we got there! All these people after us got turned away, and by the time we walked out of the restaurant (after a DELICIOUS blueberry/balsamic steak – thanks again to Lynn’s recommendation), there were about 25-30 people outside waiting to get in! it was a very fun atmosphere, with lots of people and energy – we had a great time!

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