Saturday, July 5, 2008

Which way is north?

Jason kept “complaining” as our trip began, that everything was going so smoothly, so we had nothing to stress about! we got to the airport on time, the flight/transfer in Charlotte/flight went so smoothly, our baggage arrived at the carousel the same moment we did… and then, he put his carry-on inside his backpack and put on the HUGE pack, and he got the stress he was asking for!! it was at LEAST 50-60lbs, and we had to get to London on a train where there was no seats and no air conditioner. it was a little miserable! but we made it to Victoria Station… and then tried to get to our hotel. Tony’s House Hotel (read: hostel) is north (??we actually can’t figure out our orientation here – the maps are not north-up, and give no hint as to which way is which! – it’s given us a little trouble on the “tube” system – trying to go left on the map, so we go to the westbound track, but yeah, it’s the opposite direction) of Hyde Park, and we got on a double-decker bus #36 and rode it all the way to the end of its line, AND… we were at the opposite end of where we were supposed to be! good thing we arrived in the morning!

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