Friday, July 25, 2008

"the perfect trip"

Jason keeps saying that this is “the perfect trip” – every time something ELSE goes right, and now even the weather is cooperating!!! I had written that it was super-hot everywhere… well, it was hot that one day in Greece and when we first arrived in Florence, but the rest of the time it has been perfect weather, barely getting into the 80s! We even rented bikes for a few hours and rode around the city in the middle of the day, and it wasn’t too hot! We are definitely enjoying this “siesta” thing – get up, go do stuff all morning, eat lunch around 2:30, go back and take a nap for a while, then go back out until late! this time we went to “Il Gatto e la volpe” – the cat and the fox, again per Lynn’s recommendation, and it was yummy (except for the crostini toscani, which we didn’t know what it was when we ordered, and ended up being toast with chicken liver pate – looked and tasted like cat food)… not quite as happening as the place the night before, but a fun atmosphere and delicious bread with balsamic vinaigrette! Our last day in Florence, we made it to TWO gelatterias for some excellent ice cream (jason had the rice flavor after dinner and it was scrumptious!!!)!
p.s. we never want to sit down again, after riding bikes on the incredibly bumpy streets of Florence for 4 hours! Oh! it hurts! ;)

1 comment:

jenna rae said...