Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Venice doesn’t smell…

I’ve heard multiple people say that they didn’t like Venice ‘cause it was dirty and smelly – but it sure wasn’t when we were there!! it was beautiful!!!! overwhelmingly beautiful – so pretty everywhere you look that it almost gets to be too much! When we first got there, we took a 45-minute boat ride down the Grand Canal, just to get an overview of the city. The boat (and most of the city) was EXTREMELY crowded with tourists – so much so that people were getting in fights about bumping into each other! It was “Italians vs. Tourists” and it was craziness! But we got to stand by the edge of the boat almost the whole time, so we got a good view of one side of the canal. then we had a little canalside lunch of lasagna and raviolis before taking off just wandering the streets of Venice, looking for a good place to sit and draw… it is all just so elegant and classic and… beautiful!! we found a quiet spot WAY off the tourist route where we sat on the edge of a little canal with our feet dangling over while I drew and Jason napped. We saw almost no one during the hour we were there, just the occasional Italian on their cell phone crossing the bridge or small boats coming down the canal and splashing our feet – it was so restful. Then we went to try to find the Rialto Bridge, which took us like 2 1/2 hours of fast walking (and stressing at the end because it didn’t seem like we were going to make it back to our train on time, and it was the last one of the day going from Venice to Florence!). Once we got there, we enjoyed some more gelatto, then boarded a boat to take us around back to the train station – a very sweet ending to our day!

1 comment:

christinastanton said...

Hey you are just 2 1/2 hrs from me! Im so glad you liked Venice. I love it too. But yes, a lot of people dont! I think it depends on the time of year you go. And you guys are lucky the water taxi's were up and going. Not long a go they were on strike! Enjoy the rest of your travels!