Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The second day...

...we got up early, stopped at “Il Pirate delle Cinque Terre” for breakfast (which was supposed to be open at 6:30, but we got there and waited until about 7:15 before all the pastries started coming out of the oven – one of those “cultural” things), then started our hike through the 3 towns south of ours. We took the coastal trail and stopped in each town for a drink or some food, and to take some nice shots of the Cinque Terre towns… then, when we got to the last one, we boarded a boat (using our last 13 Euros we had in our pocket) and took “the scenic route” back to Vernazza… like the trail wasn’t scenic – the whole thing went along the coast, with the turquoise water on our right and gorgeous terraced vineyards on our left! We got back and crashed on the beach again, taking dips when it got too hot to lay out, getting a little bit tan (jason gets a little browner than me ;). Then, we went kayaking! It was kind of strange ‘cause they didn’t give us any instructions whatsoever (like “stay on this side of the buoys” or “if the kayak tips, then…”); the only thing they said was “if water comes in the boat, it’s normal” – lol. We had SO much fun chillin’ out there in the middle of the ocean – even JASON relaxed! Came back, got cleaned up, went by the “internet point”, then went to dinner at the restaurant at the top of the town, next to the castle tower (Lynn AND Rick Steves recommended it, so…). We had DELICIOUS pesto lasagna (after we each finished our pasta, Jamie had to order ANOTHER lasagna just ‘cause it was so good!), hung out with Mario our waiter and discussed the state of the world, before going down and hanging out on the rocks with the water lapping up around us – so peaceful…

1 comment:

miller said...

Hey, am I picking you up?